



I grew up in TriBeCa in NYC.

My mother is a feminist painter, born in Gorizia, Italy to displaced Slovenian parents.

My father is a documentary filmmaker, born in Tokyo, Japan.

I try not to take things unnecessarily seriously.


Entirely due to the talent and hard work of others.

(If you see this - THANK YOU!)


I love to ‘tinker’ with ideas, whether in an archive or a studio.

My graduate and undergraduate research were on the history of American natural history museums and the history of the homo-sexual ‘closet’ in America, respectively.

Both projects came from ideas that I took for granted: social or scientific ‘facts,’ knowledge and experiences ‘objectively’ universal. I was curious how they got so fixed: when, under what circumstances, by whom, and in service of what goals.

You never know what you’ll find while tinkering.

The long way around passed through histories of taxidermy and dioramas, American preservationism and frontier-ism, what kitsch and souvenirs do, and ways of being ‘queer’ I didn’t see before.